Monday, September 21, 2009

Speech in the Virginia Convention, pg 157

1.) (a) The only was to arrive at a truth to have an open debate where everyone would beable to speak there thoughts without affending anyone.
(b) So that they can see both sides. Henry feels a different way and thinks he should speak up because there are two sides on an arguement and things would not be settled unless all weere heard. Also as it states in the book, should he keep back his opinion, he would consider himself "guilty of treason toward his country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven..."

2.) (a) The evidence that Henry has come up with it the the British fleet and army are in America, when they have no enemies, unless they plan to attack the colonists.
(b) He distrusts in because while the British are "agreeing" and "listening" to the colonists, they are also preparing for war.

3.) (a) Henry's response to to possiblity of war breaking out, is that it probably will and the only thing left for them to try and break free is to fight back.
(b) Henry see's peace as the unthinkable alternative to war.

4.) (a) The colonists attempts were arguments, entreaty and supplication, they have petitoned, remonstrated, supplicated, prostrated themselves before the throne, and they have implored its interpostion to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliment.Now the british have not really tried anything except not listen to the colonists and they are now sending over troops and ships for war.
(b) Henry would not have called for war had Britian listened to the colonists in the first place, instead of rubbing them off.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Sinners in the Hands of an Anger God" Questions 1-4a&b

1a.) Edward says that people think that is their good state of their body constitution, their care of their own life, and the means you use for your own preservation, but Edward is saying that it is really god who is keeping you from dying and falling into hell.

1b.) When he compares the people to a falling rock, he is saying that if God let you go and you were falling, that your good health does not matter. You sins are to heavy and your great health is not even close to enough to keep you from falling. You would die imideitly if god were to get anger at you and let you go. You would be dead, empty, like the husk after the grain is taken out of it.

2a.) The earth and the sun are elements that Edwards lists as "not willingly" serving the sinner.

2b.) He says rough winds, a dreadful storm, big with thunder. The another element he uses is a whirlwinds.

3a.) They they must have a change in heart, by the might power of the SPirit of God upon your souls, all you that were never born agan, and made new creatures, and raised from being dead in sin, to a state of new.

3b.) Edward tells them how that they are like spiders being hung over a pit of hell, and that god would just like to cast them into the fire. He tells them that God hates them ten thousand times more then they hate the most venomous snake, and that they offend him. And that GOd's hands are the only thing holding you up. That everynight GOd could let you go, but he doesn't even though their is no reason for them to still be here after they have been provoking God all day.
This would scare the people because they are thought of as only bugs and that at any moment they could die and not beable to save themselves.

4a.) He starts by telling them that by being hated by god they are in a lot of trouble. That you have provoked God and he hates you as much as he hates anyone else in hell. That you are on a thin thread with your sins around it making it ready to snap, and when you fall there will be nothing there for you to grab onto, nothing to save you from god's wrath.

4b.)This would be affective in arousing fear because the people there listening to the speach believe in god a lot, and so the thought that he was the one keeping them alive ment he could let go at anymoment. And now that they think god hates them and want to kill them right now, it freaked them out a little because they don't want to die.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Questions from the Iroquois

1a.) The five nations confederate lords plant the tree with Dekanawidah.

1b.) The purpose of the meeting is to lay down the law and make it so everyone, including tribes who want to join their confederate, know the rules.

2a.) Dekanawidah is talking to Adodarhoh, who is the chief confederate lord of the Onondaga.

2b.) Dekanawidah refers to the assembled lards as "cousins", not because they are all really cousins, but because they are all together under the same confederate.

3a.) A candidate lord must furnish four strings of shells, one span in length bound together at the end to show his pledge. This pledge symbolizes the candidate's honesty, that he will follow all of the laws, and exercise justice in all affairs.

3b.) A leader should cannot get upset about things, like offensice actions and criticism easily, they must be much tougher because now they are a mentor of the people. They cannot have anger or fury. The people of the nation and their welfare come before yourselves. They have to have endless patience, and self interest will be cast into obliviation. The leader can't only think of the present generation, but the future aswell.

4a.) In this ritual Dekanawidah incorparates nature by planting the Tree of the Great Peace,spreading soft globe thistle on the lords seats, crowning the leader with the sacred emblem of deer's antlers, and that the lords will offer thanks to the earth, streams, pools, springs, lakes, maize, fruits, medicinal herbs, trees, and forest trees.

4b.) They were very close to nature in everything that they did. In this passage they say things that give me the impression that they are close to nature like Dekanawidah plants a tree, and a new leader is crowned with "The sacred emblem of the deer's antlers".

5a.) I believe the values and moral code described in the Iroquois Constitution are appropriate for the members and leaders of a government. I agree that a leader, like stated in the constitution, needs to be patient, selfless, controlled, think highly of the welfare of their people, and not just consider the now generation but also the future. I believe the need to work together like cousins and anyone who want to join the confederate must follow the rules as well.

Semi colon

From: “The proper Use of Semi- Colon, Colon, and Dash, from the illicit Manuals of Outlaws, Short Stories of Jazz, and Authors of Revolutionary Letters.”
“ The dash is great refuge of those who are too lazy to punctuate.”
-- Bernard Shaw

SEMI-COLON- A stylistic mark that is never necessary: it takes the place of a comma or period.
1.) To join two or more closely related sentences or complete statements. EX. The black Saturn slid into a snow bank; the driver got out reciting: ‘The moon, a silver slither of an eighth note.”
I went to work; I had a quick lunch: I came straight home.
Note: Both of these sentences could be written with a comma.
The black Saturn slid into a snow bank, and the driver got out reciting: “ The moon, a silver slither or an eighth note.”
2.) To connect interrelated ideas or thoughts. Ex. In France, we bought tea; in Amsterdam, coffee; in America, coke-cola; in Ireland, apples juice.

We brought tea in France, coffee in Amsterdam, coke-cola in America, and apple juice in Ireland.
3.) A semi-colon may replace a comma to separate items of a list when additional commas may confuse the reader. EX The winning numbers were 1,273; 3,663; 8,462; and 2,370; Dean had all of them.

Mr. Green, the plumber (who did it with the wrench); George Jefferson, the laundry-mat owner; and Scooby Doo, the rabid mutt, were all at the school cookout.


Colon- Stylistic mark, never necessary, takes the place of a comma
1.) Introduce a list

Ex. Bob excels in the following activities: wrecking his car while driving blindfolded; drinking bottles of hot sauce; watching football and scratching his ring ringworm foot bloody; and flunking English 060.

WARNING: A list must be introduced to use a colon. A similar sentence could be written: Bob excels in football, baseball and basketball. There is no introduction of a list and therefore a colon could not be used. It would be wrong to write: Bob excels in: football, baseball, and basketball.

2.) After a statement that introduces a quotation.
Ex. He began the meeting with this warning: “Gentlemen, Art Bell says the world will end in three years!”

We were at the pizza station when John shouted:” That girl is in my class.”

3.) Many writers use the colon to define or expand on some object or subject within a sentence. Here is an example from Eudora Welty’s story “Powerhouse” (From Hot and Cool: Jazz Short Stories) :”Powerhouse reads each one, studying with a secret face: that is the face which looks like a mask- anybody’s; there is a moment when he makes a decision.”

Here Welty is defining “secret face”. Another example from James Joyce’s “The Dead”: “So she had had that romance in her life: a man had died for her sake.” Here Joyce is defining ”that romance.”

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vocab words, Sept. 15

Callous-(adj); made hard, hardened, unfeeling, unsimpathetic
The callous look the girl had made everyone wonder if she was okay.
Capricious- (adj); Obsolete. fanciful or witty
The girl made a capricious comeback at the boy after he made fun of her.
Cajole- (V); to persuade by flattery or promise; wheedle; coax
The girl cajoled her mom into letting stay out later by saying how nice and cool she was.
Censure-(N); Strong or vehement expression of disapproval
The parents Censure on the movie made the child day care stop showing it.
Catalyst- (N); Something that causes activity between two or more persons or forces without itself being affected.
The catalyst in the reaction made it go much smoother.
Caustic-(Adj.); severly critical or sarcastic
The caustic comment that the boy made at the girl, upset her and she punched him.
Capitulate- (V) to surrender unconditionally or in stipulated terms
The the pirates capitulated after the english army killed their captian.
Celestial- (Adj.); pertaining to the sky or visible heaven
The weather broadcaster talked about the celestial clouds looking like they were bringing a storm.
Catharsis- (N); the purging of emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music
After her brother died, she hoped she could stay strong but the catharsis couldn't be avoided in basketball practice, so she tried to hide her tears.
Carping-(Adj); characterized by fussy or petulant faultfinding; querulous
The girl had a carping habit to point out the wrong in everyone's work.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Vocab words august 31- sept. 11

Conundrum- The victim could not answer the conundrum his guard asked him, so he was not freed
Deleterious- The defeat of the Yakutat Eagles by the Skagway Panthers had a deleterious effect on their spirits, and they never won again.
Enervate- Enervated from being lazy all day, caused the lady panthers to play poorly.
Hegemony- Mr. Thomas and Mr. Allen both ran for hegemony of the town.
Inchoate- The inchoate information on the poster-board was not ready for presentation the next day
Juxtaposition- The juxtaposition of the boy and girl student was quickly broken apart by a teacher.
Legerdemain- The legerdemain the boy had in his pick-pocketing skills were quite remarkable
Manifold- The girl had a manifold of duties that took her all night
Obfuscate- All of the unneeded information in the math problem was used to obfuscate the student into what he had to do to answer the question.
Ribald- The Ribald music was not allowed in the Rec- Center.