Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Huck Finn Vocab words: 10/27

1) Affix (V): stick, attach, or fasten (something) to something else
The Cowboy affixed the saddle on the horse tight so that it would not roll.
2) Commence (V): begin; start
The race commenced with the sound of a gun.
3) Tolerable (Adj): able to be endured
My grandmother is a very tolerable women, she is kind and not annoying.
4) Shrivel (V): wrinkle and contract or cause to wrinkle and contract, esp. due to loss of moisture.
The grape shrivels to becomes a raisin.
5) Providence (N): the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power
The soldier ran in to battle because he believed he had providence, so nothing would stop him.
6) Ingot (N): a block of steel, gold, silver, or other metal, typically oblong in shape.
The pirates found nothing but an ingot in the cave, and since it was gold, the took it even though it was weird to carry.
7) Oracle (N): prophet, prophetess
The oracle said the end of the day would be tomorrow, and they all freaked out!
8) Infernal (Adj):of, relating to, or characteristic of hell or the underworld
The infernal boy and so horrible no one would babysit.
9) Speculate (V): form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence
Since the boy was not in school, his friend speculated he was sick, even though he was feeling great yesterday.
10) Hogshead (N): a large cask or barrel.
The hogsheads were kept in the basement of the winery because that was the only place they had enough room to store them.
11) Vial (N): a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used esp. for holding liquid medicines.
The docotor asked his assistant to grab a vial filled the the type of medicine he needed.
12) Pivot (N): the central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or oscillates.
The pivot broke so the wheel could not turn any longer.
13) Careened (V): to lean, sway, or tip to one side while in motion
The boat careened to the right whil in the storm but didn't flip.
14) Gaudy (Adj): extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless
The gaudy painting really stuck out in the white room.
15) Raspy (Adj): a harsh, grating noise
The man had a raspy voice that made you shiver everytime he spoke.
16) Notion (N): an impulse or desire, esp. one of a whimsical kind
I had a notion to go buy that computer but decided against it.
17) Dismal (Adj): depressing; dreary
The man was in a dismal state after his wife died.
18) Victuals (N): food or provisions, typically as prepared for consumption.
They only bought enough victuals for them selves for the whole trip.
19) Thrash (V): beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip
The boy got a thrashing when he back talked to his father.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Young Goodman Brown

1.) Allegory: You are always close to evil, but there is something that holds use back, but when reason is lost, there is nothing to stop you.

2.) Pink ribbon: This is a symbol of innocence, and when the ribbon falls from the sky it is when Goodman Brown has lost his innocence and then he goes to the congragation
Faith- Is a symbol of Faith, when he is with her, he still has faith but when she disappears it is because her has lost faith
The Old man- The devil, we know because of the he carries staff, when he touches things living, like the trees, the all crumple and die, and we also know he represents the devil because he has been around for a long time, knowing Goodman Brown's Grandpa and Dad.

3.)I believe they were all illusions, I believe it was a dream to make him lose faith in the world, they were tricks that the devil played on Goodman Brown. They were just images to get Goodman Brown to do what the devil wants.

4.) Young Goodman Brown
The Devil (took the shape of old Goodman Brown)
Deacon Gookin
Goody Cloyse

5.) Egytian Magi- It is allusion to the bible, The Egytian Magi had staffs that turned into snakes
Kings Philip's War allusion to King Philips war

6.) I like this story even though I couldn't understand a lot of the allusions because I don't go to church I believe that it is a very well written story, that still leaves you questioning at the end whether this happened to Young Goodman Brown or not. I liked it because it showed how close we are to evil and the struggle we have between good and bad in our life. It makes you question yourself on what keeps you from being evil? What is your faith? I like how this story makes you think not just about what is happening in the story but also your life.

7.) He is critical about them to make a point to the reader of them doing something bad.

8.) The theme is that evil is always at your doorstep.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Self- Reliance pg 281, 1-5 a & b

1a.) According to Emerson, every person at a certain point in his or her education comes to realize the envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to til.

1b.) He says that envy is ignorance because if you are envy of someone you are paying attention to them and what they do and want and are ignoring, or being ignorant to yourself and what actually works for you. You are to busy worrying yourself over being like someone else that you aren't paying attention to yourself, and who you actually are. He says that imitation is suicide because Emerson believes that in order to be alive you have to have your own thoughts but when you are imitating someone your are taking there thoughts, and so to Emerson you are dead.
The alternative the Emerson recommends is for you to trust your self and be who you want, and don't follow societies image of a person. He says "Trust they self.... Accept the place the divine Providence has found for you; the society of your contemporaries, the connexion of events."

2a.) The virtue that society asks of each person is conformity. Emerson says people should strive to be a nonconformist instead.

2b.) Emerson Advocates nonconformity because he believes people need to trust their own ideas, that they need to be their selves and not societies image of a person, because if you don't, you become ignorant of yourself. To Emerson means by nonconformity means to not surrender the liberty and culture of yourself. It means to not follow the usual footsteps that society has placed, it means to be yourself and trust your ideas.

3a.) The type of behavior that is difficult but essential for greatness is to be able to live after your own opinion in the midst of a crowd.

3b.) Emerson is saying that a person, in order to be great, has to be able to be himself, like he would be if he were alone, when he is around people, or in the midsts of a crowd. The independence of solitude is = how you are when you are by yourself. It is something for which to strive for because it is they only way you will be great in life.

4a.) The qualities that distinguish them from other people was that they came up with ideas and said them even though it was not what society thought or believed in at the time.

4b.) Great people might sometimes be inconsistent because to be consistent is to be that same everytime, and great people are those that are different and don't keeps things the same or like the rest of society so they will be inconsistent to be different. They type of consistency Emerson believes in though is speaking your mind and saying what you believe, even when it changes. Emerson believes it is important to speak your mind.

5a.) Yes I do believe it is better ti rely on yourself rather than upon others for your values and your principles. The benefits for being self- reliant is you are not ignorant, You learn self lessons on your own. By letting your own personality shine, you find the true meaning of your life. You can not find this by coping someone else. You don't have to stress about worrying over what others think of you.

5b.) Nonconformists have the greatest impact because they are so different than everyone else. It is because people notice when something is different. They remember them because the are strange. A nonconformist can change society so radically because people will see them being different or their self, and the people like it, so they will do it too. Rosa Parks is a nonconformist because she didn't believe that just because she was black should she less equal than a white person. She went against society and stuck up for herself.

More sentence rules


2.) Compound sentences- refers to a sentence made up of two independent clauses ( or complete sentences) connected to one another with a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are easy to remember if you think of the word "FAN BOYS"

3.) Complex sentences- made up of an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses connected to it. A dependent clause is similar to an independent clause, or complete sentences, but i lacks one of the elements that would make it a complete sentence.
Even though
A complex sentence joins an independent clause with one or more dependent clauses.
The dependent clauses can go first in the sentence, followed by the independent clause.
Tip: When the dependent clause comes first, a comma should be used to separate the two clauses
Conversely, th

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Vocab words 10/08

1) Dogmatic Adj; asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated.
At the meeting, the dogmatic man interuppted to say what he thought on every topic.
2) Egregious Adj; outstandingly bad; shocking
Trying to wrestle with the bear was a egregious idea.
3) Dissipate V; Disperse or scatter; squander or fritter away, misspend, waste
The smart boy's knowledge was dissipated when he only played video games.
4) Disparage V; to speak of or treat slightly; depreciate; belittle
The coaches yelling disparaged the players attitude and they played even crappier after it.
5) Elucidate V; to make lucid or clear; throw light upon
The Teacher gave a lecture to elucidate what quantum numbers were.
6) Torpid Adj; inactive or sluggish
The torpid turtle lost the race.
7) Tempestuous Adj; characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion; tumultuoud, turbulent violent and stormy
The tempestuous feelings of the girl for the boy made her confused.
8) Edifice N; any large complex system or organization; a building
The government is edifice of people working for other people.
9) Decorous Adj; In keeping with good taste and propriety; polite and restrained
The Decorous dog never jumped on visitors.
10) Eulogium N; a eulogistic language
The kings eulogium, after the queens death made everyone sad.
11) Propriety N; the condition of being right, appropriate, or fitting
The girl's propriety, made losing the debate battle inevitable.
12) Sagacious Adj; having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; shrewd
The sagacious teacher maybe good chocies on who should be grouped together, so that no one would distract another person.
13) Voluminous Adj; occupying or containing much space; large in volume, in particular; of great volume, size, or extent
The voluminous couch left no floor space in the room.
14) Arduous Adj; involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring
Today we went for an arduous run and everyone was pooped after it.
15) Alacrity N; brisk and cheerful readiness

16) Languid Adj; lacking in spirit of interest