1) Affix (V): stick, attach, or fasten (something) to something else
The Cowboy affixed the saddle on the horse tight so that it would not roll.
2) Commence (V): begin; start
The race commenced with the sound of a gun.
3) Tolerable (Adj): able to be endured
My grandmother is a very tolerable women, she is kind and not annoying.
4) Shrivel (V): wrinkle and contract or cause to wrinkle and contract, esp. due to loss of moisture.
The grape shrivels to becomes a raisin.
5) Providence (N): the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power
The soldier ran in to battle because he believed he had providence, so nothing would stop him.
6) Ingot (N): a block of steel, gold, silver, or other metal, typically oblong in shape.
The pirates found nothing but an ingot in the cave, and since it was gold, the took it even though it was weird to carry.
7) Oracle (N): prophet, prophetess
The oracle said the end of the day would be tomorrow, and they all freaked out!
8) Infernal (Adj):of, relating to, or characteristic of hell or the underworld
The infernal boy and so horrible no one would babysit.
9) Speculate (V): form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence
Since the boy was not in school, his friend speculated he was sick, even though he was feeling great yesterday.
10) Hogshead (N): a large cask or barrel.
The hogsheads were kept in the basement of the winery because that was the only place they had enough room to store them.
11) Vial (N): a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used esp. for holding liquid medicines.
The docotor asked his assistant to grab a vial filled the the type of medicine he needed.
12) Pivot (N): the central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or oscillates.
The pivot broke so the wheel could not turn any longer.
13) Careened (V): to lean, sway, or tip to one side while in motion
The boat careened to the right whil in the storm but didn't flip.
14) Gaudy (Adj): extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless
The gaudy painting really stuck out in the white room.
15) Raspy (Adj): a harsh, grating noise
The man had a raspy voice that made you shiver everytime he spoke.
16) Notion (N): an impulse or desire, esp. one of a whimsical kind
I had a notion to go buy that computer but decided against it.
17) Dismal (Adj): depressing; dreary
The man was in a dismal state after his wife died.
18) Victuals (N): food or provisions, typically as prepared for consumption.
They only bought enough victuals for them selves for the whole trip.
19) Thrash (V): beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip
The boy got a thrashing when he back talked to his father.
the "monster"
14 years ago